Instead of medicines, you can protect yourself against allergies by natural methods. If you follow our advice, you can enjoy the summer without any symptoms.
Confused immune system
As long as our body works well, our defensive system can distinguish between the risky and harmless substances. Why would the spring trees, flowers pollen, or some dust in the room be threatening? “In fact, we shouldn’t look for the source of the problem in our natural environment. It's more about capsizing the balance of our health, "explains the doctor. “Our immune system sometimes doesn’t function correctly because of the constant load, the toxins or the mental tensions. So sometimes it attacks even if there is no reason to do so. Pollen powder is also evaluated as a dangerous substance and immune system responds with a hypersensitivity reaction.
A large amount of histamine is released and allergic complaints are familiar ever since: abundant, water-like runny nose, tearing, sneezing, or various skin symptoms. Often nervous complaints, irritability, insomnia can be experienced. Untreated allergy may turn on a more serious form. If someone is highly sensitive to certain substances, even a life-threatening anaphylactic shock occurs with laryngeal edema, asphyxiation.”
Why are allergies growing year after year? If we ask our grandparents, they may hardly remember similar problems. Today, however, we take a lot of anti-allergy drugs, and according to surveys, at least one of three people is affected by the disease. Longer-term forecasts are not optimistic, because of increasing number of people suffering from pollens from spring to autumn. Even the winter doesn’t bring a solution as there is frequent hypersensitivity to house dust and animal hair - and we can meet them all year long.
Reactions to the most well-known allergens may be caused by toxins accumulated in our body and the lack of vital nutrients. No wonder our immune system gets disturbed if our bodies don’t create optimal conditions for their functioning. Many of the allergists visiting the doctor's private clinic - called HomeoNatural - admit, that their nutrition and lifestyle wouldn’t deserve the "healthy" sign.
„The lack of time, the hurry and the effects of the advertisements all contribute to the fact that we start the day with breakfast bites, containing no useful nutrients. Stress due to tightening deadlines further degrades our resistance. Sometimes, a shocking life situation is the last impulse to the onset of allergy. I know how difficult it is to get rid of our habits, but when we suffer from complaints for months, it's time to listen to it.”
If you ask for advice from doctor Timár, first she usually advises the digestion restoration, and the arranging of the intestinal flora with pre- and probiotics. This process is supported by homeopathic remedies, which stimulate our self-healing power, on the one hand to initiate purification and stimulate the working of the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys. Additionally, it is important to reduce the risk of allergies by personally appropriate treatment. Help of a homeopathic physician is imperative because he or she can determine which of our personalized drugs is really durable. With this method we also regain our mental balance, eliminate the suppressed aggression, anxiety, so we can cure the psychic roots of allergies.
“While habitual treatment has its effect, one or two symptomatic agents can reach short-term relief. For example, homeopathic Histaminum bullets, which, unlike conventional antihistamines, do not produce any side effects. But there are also specific solutions to grass disease, cough or itch. Meanwhile, we are supporting our body with deficiency-supplement: an increased amount of vitamin C has been shown to reduce the symptoms, even taking 1000-2000 mg daily. According to recent research, vitamin D- large part of the population lacks of it - also contributes to the well-functioning of the immune system. Do not forget to take also vitamin K2 to make an effect.”
From plate to sneezing
In a grocery store, there is hardly any product that does not contain additives. Avoid totally processed foods as much as possible! Vegetables, fruits from primary producers in the market and homemade meals can be a great step in eliminating allergies. It is important to relieve the digestive tract, because gastrointestinal tract infections can also cause a disease called a leaky gut syndrome. In this case, the intestinal wall becomes permeable, and extraneous substances entering the bloodstream are likely to evoke allergic complaints.
“It is an interesting observation that some foods may even evoke hypersensitivity symptoms during the pollen season, if they don’t cause any striking complaints during the rest of the year. In many cases, those who leave dairy products from winter to autumn are suddenly improving, until the pollen completely disappears. Egg can have the same effect. Let's try to replace these two food groups with other valuable foods! There are more and more variations, for example in the form of herbal milks. Not only grass diesease, but eczema is also surprisingly improved by the effect of this small change. "-the doctor said of her experience. It’s good to know that some foods can trigger cross-allergies with pollen, such as ragweed with watermelons and bananas, wormwood with lime, birch pollen with peaches and potatoes. Some foods -however, being non-allergenic – with their high histamine content, may be blacklisted. Such are the more mature cheeses, the yeast, the sour cabbage, the red wine and the pickled, matured ham.
“It can’t be enough to emphasize the importance of maintaining our body's acid-base balance. The most excellent base-forming foods are freshly pressed vegetable juices, raw vegetables, especially green leafy varieties. Let’s choose from organic produces. The effect can be enhanced by the drinking of base-water from the grocery stores. Reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates and be in good relationship with cold-pressed vegetable oils!" - advises the doctor and recommends Schüssler's salts - available in the pharmacy - to prevent and treat allergies.
“Calcium and magnesium contribute to the reduction of symptoms. Sesame seeds and oily seeds should be included in our diet regurarly and we can support absorption by the salts of Calcium Phosphoricum and Magnesium Phosphoricum, that help to incorporate minerals.”
By these methods, our disturbed immune system gets a chance to recover, and we no longer have to wait for spring anxiously.
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