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Dóra Galgóczi (Budapest, June 1, 1974 –) writer, journalist. 
Before her literary activities, after graduating from the College of Public Administration, she worked at the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, then, as an employee of the National Institute for Health Development she was involved in the organization of lifestyle trainings.
These years were also accompanied by her attraction to writing, then, in 2009, she completed the training course of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists on magazine journalism. Since then, she has been writing for various print and online magazines as a freelance journalist mostly articles on spiritual life and health promotion. She is a graduated naturopath also.
Her first novel, "Body in thePrison of Soul" reveals the diary of a young girl; her fight with the increasingly common mysterious disease, anorexia. The novel also dwells on a number of issues that many readers face in their lifetime: parent-child relationship, career choices and dating problems.
The author's second book "The Million Faces of a Woman" is a collection of short stories. The stories depict typical women's fates that hold up a mirror to every generation.
Her third novel, “Lives Made to Measure” also has enjoyed a positive reception, both by critics and readers. 
In her next novel, "A Chance to be Born” you can see deep psychological content hidden between the lines. The blend of twists and turns in the plot lines and lively literary style keeps the reader’s interest constantly alive.
“Born to be Young” – is about an actual problem: why soo many women would like to stop the time and stay young forever? You can see this never ending, desperate fight and the main answer: true value is not bound either to the calendar, or to her mirror.
“Men in a Daze” – in the stories you can see the character of men, thereby making us realize an interesting duality. A man’s thoughts and feelings seem easier to understand on the surface, much more black and white than the more sensitive world of a woman. But if we dig deeper, we see that the souls of men are full of surprises.
In “The House of Answers” Dóra treats the most important stations in one’s life – career, love, family, retirement, while she also addressed important questions basic to living: sin or forgiveness, holding on or letting go, struggle against others or making peace with them?
Events that seem serendipitous appear in our lives when we most yearn for change – it is the main message of the novel “Hallo, Heaven callig!” We know that we should change course, but something is missing. Courage? Faith? Confidence in ourselves? At such times we say with a sigh, what we need is a miracle, a voice that whispers to us and points the way.
Among Dóra’s stories there are several life coaching aspect too, reflecting her psychological interest.


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